Specialist Courses - Nationally Recognised Qualifications - Customised Training and Consultancy

Health and personal care Courses

Bowel care

Designed for those administering suppositories and/or enemas

Disability Support Workshop 1

Epilepsy training no longer included from 13/14 November 2023 session (FK)

Enabling EDIE: Understanding Dementia

Enteral (Tube) Feeding

Designed for disability support staff and allied health professionals
Changed from Tube Feeding to Enteral (Tube) Feeding Jan 2022 (FK)

Epilepsy management

Introduced October 2022 as a piece of further training staff can optionally complete.
This changed late 2023 when epilepsy training was removed from Disability Support Workshop 1 - this course is now THE training for epilepsy and mandatory for staff supporting those clients (FK)

Intellectual disability and dementia

Mental Health First Aid

Palliative Care

Promoting client health workshop

Introduced Jan 2021. Equivalent to and replaces Deteriorating Client Health delivered in new Hunter houses (FK)

Supra Pubic Catheter (Catheter Care)

Designed for support workers and allied health professionals

Tube Feeding First Practice Assessment

New Nov 2021 (FK)