Specialist Courses - Nationally Recognised Qualifications - Customised Training and Consultancy

Allied health therapies Courses

Assessment Reliability Scoring: Assisting Hand Assessment (AHA)

Assessment Reliability Scoring: Both Hands Assessment (BoHA)

Assessment Reliability Scoring: GMs

Assessment Reliability Scoring: Hand Assessment for Infants (HAI)

Assessment Reliability Scoring: HINE

Assessment Reliability Scoring: Mini-Assisting Hand Assessment (AHA)

Assessment upskilling - AHA

Assessment upskilling - Bayley

Clinical Orientation for allied health clinicians

Coaching in therapy

Dysphagia Workshop for Speech Pathologists

Electronic assistive technology: Practical workshop

Intermediate workshop - part of blended course, requires online prerequisite completion

Gait Analysis for Exercise Physiologists

Gait assessment and AFO prescription in cerebral palsy

Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (HINE) Training

Introduction to Telepractice at CPA

Prescribing Minor Home Modifications

Pulling it all together for therapists: An advanced workshop on movement disorders and evidence base

Designed for Cerebral Palsy Alliance employees only
December 2018 changed from a 2 day course to a 1 day

Serial Casting - Lower Limb

Web Lunch & Learn: AAC Assessment and trials in infants and young children

Web Lunch & Learn: Complex Communication

Web Lunch & Learn: Delivering early intervention through a parent/ carer coaching model

Web Lunch & Learn: Oral Hygiene and dental care

Web Lunch & Learn: Supporting communication acess for client with complex communications needs

Web Research Lunch & Learn: CPA Regeneration Research Program

Webinar PEP Talk: Therapy Tech Success - LusioMate

Webinar PEP Talk: Therapy Tech Success-Biofeedback & E-stim

Webinar Series: AFO special interest group meeting

Webinar Series: Bodyweight Supported Treadmill Training SIG

Webinar Series: Electronic AT & AAC SIG