Is this course suitable for you or your organisation?
This course is available for:
- Cerebral Palsy Alliance employees only
Why choose this course?
This online course forms part of the Cerebral Palsy Alliance induction program for all employees. The 7 modules that form this course will give staff an understanding of how CPA provides services to clients and their families to ensure great outcomes. The course will give staff guidance on what is expected of them whilst working at CPA, following our Model of Care guidelines and supporting people with disability effectively.
For Cerebral Palsy Alliance Staff:
- At Cerebral Palsy Alliance this course is compulsory for all employees and can be accessed via your online learning login
- This course can be revisited at any time to refresh knowledge
- Cerebral Palsy Alliance employees are exempt from the registration fee
What content does the program cover?
This online course provides learning content on the six outcome areas detailed in Cerebral Palsy Alliance Model of Care. After completion of each module learners will be able to:
- Explain why CPA has a Model of Care
- List the six outcomes that form CPA’s Model of Care
- Relate each of the six outcome areas to services provided by CPA
- Explain how CPA’s model of care guides our everyday practice for every staff member in the organisation.
- Apply model of care principles in everyday practice to ensure consistent, high quality services are provided to our clients and their families.
Course completion requires:
Activities are included throughout the online learning and there is a short quiz at the end of each module. Modules can be completed in any order. It is recommended that staff commence with the introduction module. All seven modules must be completed in full to complete the Model of Care online course.
How long is the course?
Duration: Each module will take approximately 15 - 20 minutes
Where can I get more information?
Contact: The Training Alliance team
Phone: +61 2 9975 8715