Specialist Courses - Nationally Recognised Qualifications - Customised Training and Consultancy

Safety Intervention (formerly MAPA) - 1 day course

This course is for Cerebral Palsy Alliance employees 

Who is this course for? 

NOTE:  This is the introductory BASIC one day course This is not the special Refresher one day course that staff in certain houses with holding skills need to complete.  If you are unsure which course you should be doing, please contact trainingadmin@cerebralpalsy.org.au  or 9975 8715.

This course is for employees working directly with people with a behaviour support plan, who display behaviours of concern that pose a risk of harm/injury to themselves or those around them. If there are restricted practices and holding skills used in your site, please check with Training Alliance which course you need to attend.
If this course is relevant to your role, but not mandatory, please discuss with and get approval from your manager.

What content does the course cover?  

In this training session you will learn how to manage and maintain your personal safety and the safety of your clients when dealing with aggressive behaviours.
This includes:

  • Knowing your responsibilities in a MAPA situation
  • Using suitable safety interventions to reduce or manage behaviours of concern
  • Identifying behaviour that indicates an escalation towards verbal and/or physical aggression and violence
  • Taking proactive, positive, and acceptable measures to avoid, decelerate and/or de-escalate a potential crisis
  • Assessing the level of risk associated with a crisis and making appropriate decisions to manage it
  • Understanding the use of restrictive physical interventions as a last resort only.


  • This course requires a level of physical interaction with other participants during simulations.
  • Full PPE is to be worn during practice of physical skills and will be provided. 
  • Please wear suitable clothing which will allow you to move comfortably and wear enclosed footwear. 

Does the course have prerequisites or specific requirements? 

The following must be completed before attending:

  • Positive approaches to behaviour support (online)
  • Positive approaches to client support.

What other details do I need to know? 

Attendance type: In person (face to face)
Duration: 1 day 
Times: Please select a course date below or if there are no dates, please click Enquire 
Refreshments: Please bring your own lunch (as required) 
If you need to cancel: Cancellation guidelines

Where can I get more information?

Contact: The Training Alliance team
Email: training@cerebralpalsy.org.au
Phone: +61 2 9975 8715

Enquire Now

Classes for Safety Intervention (formerly MAPA) - 1 day course starting 10 Oct 2024