Is this course suitable for you or your organisation?
This course is available for:
- Cerebral Palsy Alliance employees only
Why choose this course?
This is a compulsory induction activity for Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists who prescribe secondary postural supports e.g. chest harnesses, pelvic straps. This course can be accessed via the Online Learning System.
What content does the program cover?
The course covers information about the prescription and safety of postural supports such as chest harnesses and pelvic straps.
For related documents and information, see the ‘Airway Safety for Postural Supports Manual’ in the Knowledge Hub and ‘Best Practice Guidelines for attaching Postural Supports’ on the divisional drive.
Course completion requires:
You are required to complete the Chest Harness Self-Assessment at the completion of this on-line module.
What is the cost?
There is no cost for this course.
How long is the course?
Allow approximately 30 minutes to complete this on-line module plus 15 minutes for the self-assessment.
Where can I get more information?
Contact: Training Alliance team
Phone: +61 2 9975 8715