Is this course suitable for you or your organisation?
This course is available for:
- Cerebral Palsy Alliance employees only
Why choose this course?
This online course is a compulsory requirement for all new staff who have been provided with a Salesforce login and will need to have access to client files. This includes all accommodation, respite and Lifestyles managers and administration staff, Therapy and Health & Wellbeing Teams, Client Engagement (CSC’s), Packforce Managers & EDO’s, Youth Manager and Youth Coaches, Clinical Governance, Clinical Educators, Quality and Safeguarding team and Health Team Members.
In this course, we’ll examine how our Centralised Client Files system works, where you can find supporting documents, as well as how to access support if you have a question.
The course is accessed via the Online Learning System.
What content does the program cover?
This online course provides learning content on how to access and navigate the Client Files structure in SharePoint . It provides learners with:
- a good understanding of how to navigate the SharePoint client file structure and where to save or locate client documents
- some SharePoint functionality to view/edit/save client files
- a good understanding of how to name client files
- where to access additional support
Course completion requires:
Activities are included throughout the online learning and there is a short quiz at the end
How long is the course?
Duration: 20 minutes approximately
Where can I get more information?
Contact: The Training Alliance team
Phone: +61 2 9975 8715