Specialist Courses - Nationally Recognised Qualifications - Customised Training and Consultancy

Advanced Communication & Coaching - online

Is this course suitable for you or your organisation?

This course is available for:                     

Why choose this course?

The advanced communication and coaching online module supports Allied Health staff, students and disability professionals to consider their use of communication and coaching skills in the course of their work.

What content does the program cover?

The course covers:                                                                                

  • key principles of communication
  • micro skills of communication
  • responding to difficult conversations
  • the goals of coaching
  • skills reflection activities

This online module is to be completed with the support of your supervisor.

What is the cost?     

There is no cost for this course.

How long is the course?

Duration: 3-4 hours (inclusive of supervision time)

Where can I get more information?

Contact: The Training Alliance Team 
Email: training@cerebralpalsy.org.au 
Phone: +61 2 9975 8715

Cancellation conditions apply

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