Specialist Courses - Nationally Recognised Qualifications - Customised Training and Consultancy

Medication practice assessment annual refresher for managers 2024

This course is for Cerebral Palsy Alliance employees

Who is this assessment for? 

This assessment is for disability support managers, program coordinators and senior DSPs who assess staff in A&R, Lifestyles and Packforce.  It is conducted annually as a compulsory Practice Assessment and is for managers who have been with CPA for over 6 months and who have already completed their induction training and assessments.  

What does the assessment involve? 

You will be assessed by one of our Clinical Nurse Specialists in a simulated environment across a range of concepts and activities to support the administration of medication for clients.  This includes the assessor observing you undertaking various tasks, to assess your knowledge and skills to safely and effectively support clients with medication.   The assessment session will also refresh key points covered in Practice Alerts.  

Does the assessment have any prerequisites? 

Managers need to have completed their Medication orientation training, as per their Learning Journey. 

Assessment completion requires: 

Managers must be able to show they have the necessary knowledge and practical skills to safely and effectively support the administration of medication for clients and to support their teams in medication management. 

What other details do I need to know? 

Duration: Approx 2 hours.  

Please arrive 15mins prior and wait for the facilitator. 
Time: Please see scheduled times or enquire below 

If you need to cancel: Cancellation guidelines 

Where can I get more information? 

Contact: The Training Alliance team 
Email: training@cerebralpalsy.org.au 
Phone: +61 2 9975 8715 

Enquire Now