Specialist Courses - Nationally Recognised Qualifications - Customised Training and Consultancy

Tube Feeding First Practice Assessment

This practice assessment is available for: 

  • for Cerebral Palsy Alliance employees only. 

This assessment is for Disability Support Practitioners only and is compulsory for all new starters at CPA who assist clients with the delivery of nutrition and /or medication via a gastrostomy and/or jejunostomy.  It is conducted as a FIRST assessment and is to be done once training is completed (see pre-requisites below).
Managers - if you need a First Assessment for Tube Feeding, please contact trainingadmin@cerebralpalsy.org.au and we will arrange this for you.

Note: This is not an annual refresher.  Annual Tube Feeding assessments are conducted by each DSP's manager.

What does the assessment involve? 

You will be assessed by one of our Clinical Nurse Specialists or Health Educators (RN) in a simulated environment.  This means that the assessor will demonstrate and then observe you using a medical manikin, to see that you understand and can follow all necessary steps to safely and effectively support clients who require tube feeding.  

Does the assessment have any prerequisites? 

Prior to this assessment participants must have completed both: 

  • Enteral (Tube) Feeding training (face-to face) 
  • Skill Builder Tube Feeding with your manager    **Staff members:  please discuss this with your manager.

Assessment completion requires: 

Participants must be able to show they have the necessary knowledge and practical skills to administer medications and nutrition via a gastrostomy and/or jejunostomy tube. 

How long is the assessment? 

Duration: Approx 2 hours.  Please arrive 15mins prior and wait for the facilitator. 
Time: Please see scheduled times below.  **If you do not see a suitable date below, contact Training Alliance to discuss. 

Where can I get more information? 

Contact: The Training Alliance team 
Email: training@cerebralpalsy.org.au 
Phone: +61 2 9975 8715 
Cancellation conditions apply 

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Classes for PA: Tube Feeding First Practice Assessment for DSPs starting 28 Apr 2025