Specialist Courses - Nationally Recognised Qualifications - Customised Training and Consultancy

Coaching in therapy

This course is for Cerebral Palsy Alliance employees

Who is this course for? 

This training is designed to help Allied Health practitioners support a client or family in the process of decision-making around functional activity and participation in daily life.
If this course is relevant to your role, but not mandatory, please discuss with and get approval from your manager.

What content does the course cover? 

In this training session you will learn how to apply the CPA coaching framework and strategies when supporting clients and families. 
This includes:

  • An introduction to coaching
  • Joint planning
  • Observation
  • Action / practice
  • Reflection
  • Feedback
  • Becoming a more effective coach

The course is for small groups (4-7 participants) and is delivered as 7 × 1 hr virtual sessions scheduled over four months. You must attend all the sessions.
You will complete learning activities between sessions and practice your skills and knowledge in your therapy sessions.

Does the course have prerequisites or specific requirements?

The following is required before attending:

  • Advanced communication (online course)
  • 6 – 12 months of clinical experience working with a range of clients and their families 
  • Experience with joint goal setting.
  • Capacity to commit to scheduled training over a 4-month period
  • Willingness to actively engage in all group activities and reflect on own practice to make necessary changes.

It is recommended that you speak with your clinical advisor before commencing the coaching in therapy training. Understanding the prerequisites of the course is essential to get the most out of this training.

What other details do I need to know?

The coaching training is offered as a blended learning experience. This includes:

  • 7 × 1 hour sessions scheduled over a four month period (Teams meetings – virtual learning)
  • completing learning activities between sessions using the coaching in therapy workbook (independent learning)
  • practising coaching within therapy sessions (independent learning)

The total estimated time over a four-month period is approximately 14 hours. This would need to be scheduled in your Calendar as one hour a week over this four month time period. 
Full attendance at every session is the expectation to allow successful implementation of the coaching model in practice.

To register you must choose from one of the coaching program schedules shown below.

Program choice 1
times 11am - 12pm
Program choice 2
times 11.30am -12.30pm
Monday 29 January
Monday 12 February
Monday 26 February
Monday 11 March
Monday 25 March
Monday 8 April
Monday 22 April
Wednesday 10 April
Wednesday 24 April
Wednesday 8 May
Wednesday 22 May
Wednesday 5 June
Wednesday 19 June
Wednesday 3 July

Trainers:  Several members of the Clinical Governance team facilitate this training. 

Attendance type: Virtual
Duration: 7 x 1 hour sessions over a four month period
Times: Please select a course start date below or if there are no dates, please click Enquire 
If you need to cancel: Cancellation guidelines

There are a set of attitudes, knowledge and skills necessary for successful implementation of coaching in therapy. Some of these are listed in the table below:

Attitudes /beliefs



  • Respect families values, routines, and cultural background
  • Acknowledge a client/family’s knowledge, strengths, resources, and needs
  • Belief in families capacity
  • Acknowledge the client/family leading role in the intervention
  • Focus on meaningful goals
  • Be open and willing to change your own behaviours, habits, and attitudes
  • Client and family centred practice
  • Theory of adult learning
  • Definition of coaching and coaching strategies
  • Joint goal setting
  • Relationship directed collaboration
  • Enabling and engaging strategies
  • To apply client and family centred practice
  • To apply adult learning strategies
  • To communicate openly
  • To observe and share observations with client and family members
  • To listen actively
  • To provide suggestions (not instructions)
  • To ask open-ended and reflective questions
  • To provide reflective feedback
  • To reflect on own behaviour, attitudes, beliefs and habits


Where can I get more information?

Contact: The Training Alliance team
Email: training@cerebralpalsy.org.au
Phone: +61 2 9975 8715

Enquire Now

Course Dates

Please select your course date.

Start DateLocationCost
Wed 18 Sep 2024 at 1:00PM 8 classes Virtual Learning Register