Refund & Cancellation Policy
Course Payments and Confirmation
1. To ensure a place in a non accredited course, fees must be paid in full upon enrolment in the course unless alternative payment terms have previously been agreed between the parties.
2. For nationally recognised (accredited) programs, an invoice for the first instalment is issued at the commencement of the course to be paid within 30 days
3. Courses will only be run subject to minimum class requirements being met.
5. The issuance of a qualification, statement of attainment or statement of attendance may be withheld until all fees are paid.
Cancellation by Training Alliance
If a Training Alliance specialist course or certificate program is cancelled by Training Alliance, participants and external organisations are offered;
- the opportunity to transfer to another training date; or
- a full refund
Cancellation notification is given by Training Alliance to participants and external organisations;
- in writing if there is a written agreement for the training
- verbally if there is no written agreement for the training
Cancellation by individual participants (non-accredited training)
If a participant wants to cancel their booking in a Training Alliance specialist course, the participant is offered;
- a transfer to another training date if at least 5 working days' notice is given; or
- a full refund if at least 5 working days' notice is given; or
- no refund if less than 5 working days' notice is given*
*unless course has other advertised cancellation fee and terms, or exceptional circumstances can be clearly substantiated; to which a refund may apply at Cerebral Palsy Alliance's discretion
Cancellation by organisations and groups (non-accredited training)
If an organisation cancel a group booking in a Training Alliance specialist course, the organisation is offered;
- to transfer to another training date at no extra cost if more than three weeks' notice is given^; or
- a full refund at no extra cost if more than three weeks' notice is given^; or
- 85% refund on the commencement cost if more than 7 working days' notice is given^; or
- no refund if less than 7 working days' notice is given^
^If venue, accommodation, travel costs and/or other costs have been incurred in the booking of the program and these are unable to be recovered extra costs may apply.
Service level agreements may contain additional fee information
Cancellation from Nationally Recognised Training programs
Fee for service
A participant is eligible for a full refund of the commencement fee if withdrawal notice is given before the 'Withdrawal with no penalty' cut off date. Training Alliance has determined the 'Withdrawal with no penalty' cut-off date as one (1) working day prior to the commencement of the program.
If a participant withdraws prior to the commencement of the second training session (or cluster) they will be entitled to an 85% refund of the commencement fee. This withdrawal must be given in writing (see Applications for Refund below).
If a participant withdraws prior to the midway point of your training you will not be charged this second fee. Again, notice of withdrawal must also be given in writing.
Smart and skilled funded training
Under Training Alliance's NSW Government Subsidised Training – Fee Refund Policy, participants (including trainees or employers paying on their behalf);
- are eligible to apply to defer to another program at no extra cost. Training Alliance will make every effort to assist in deferring, however cannot guarantee that the course will run again within the allowable 12 months deferment time. If you do not recommence your program within the 12 months you will need to pay another student fee to re-enrol in another program (as per government funding requirements).
- are eligible for a full refund if withdrawal notice is given before commencement of the program and discontinue your studies before the 'Withdrawal with no penalty' cut off date. Training Alliance has determined the 'Withdrawal with no penalty' cut-off date as one (1) working day prior to the commencement of the program.
- may be eligible for a partial refund of your student fee where recognition of prior learning and/or credit transfer is granted after enrolment
- may be eligible for a partial refund where you have met all the requirements for a lower level qualification and the total learner fees paid is more than the equivalent learner fee for the lower level qualification.
- may be eligible for a partial refund for withdrawals after commencement of a program.
Please contact us to discuss.
Application for Refund
Requests for full or partial refunds must be made in writing and submitted to Training Alliance email:
Withdrawal from program
To withdraw from a nationally recognised program, please inform your Program Coordinator in writing.
You will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for any units that you have completed.
Fee Complaints/Disputes
Any complaints or disputes regarding refunds are to be referred to Training Alliance email: for handling in accordance with our complaints policy; a copy is available on request.